Globalping limits and credits

Start using Globalping for free! You don't even need to register, just start using any of our web apps or tools
right away!
Unregistered User
50 Probes per measurement 250 Free tests per hour
Registered User
500 Probes per measurement 500 Free tests per hour
Higher limits for members!

Become a sponsor

+200 tests per 1$ donated

We aim to offer a free and reliable service to everyone, from home users and solo developers to startups, corporations and large enterprises. To support the active development of the project we're doing our best to keep things fair. Everyone gets free credits and passive credits generation features, but we still require larger corporations to help us pay for the development costs.
Host a probe

Host a probe

+150 tests/probe/day

Generate free credits passively! Simply adopt a Globalping probe under your account and become a member of the community. For every day your probe stays online you will get free credits to be used in your tests!
Become a GitHub sponsor

Frequently Asked Questions

Start using Globalping for free! You don't even need to register, just start using any of our web apps or tools right away!
How to generate free credits? Simply login to the <a href="">Globalping Dashboard</a> and follow the instructions. You will need to host a probe using a Docker container or by ordering our hardware probe.
How to buy more credits? You will need to register an account first and then donate your chosen ammount using GitHub Sponsors. Our system will pick up the donation and credit your account.
Can I use credits to power a commercial tool or product? Yes, we support commercial use of Globalping within the limits of our terms of service.
Do you support non-profits with free credits? Yes, we can provide large amounts of free credits to all kinds of organizations and projects after a manual review. Please contact us via email.
How to get in contact? To report issues with the API or our tools it is best to open a GitHub issue. But if for any reason you prefer to contact us privately via email you can do so at